Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Taking time to smell the flowers...

After spending several days replanting the flowers, painting, moving rock (yep- that's what got me in trouble) I was on strict orders to STOP and rest today from my husband. And I obeyed. : )

Schoolwork was assigned- I got the "yea, I get it" look about division... until tomorrow? Flash card buddies were paired up, writing was accomplished, independent reading happened, new books were ordered in the Farm Mystery Series and a streamlined school plan was drafted.

All in all a very restful day.


  1. Wow, wow, wow! Phew. Pregnant and all that. Yes Time too stop!
    I want to get on the organizing band wagon but I have to wait until this season is through. Otherwise, I'll start a project and it will sit there. First on the list, my closet!

  2. Ugh! My closet- don't remind me about that one- I'm trying to rest! : ) Look forward to hearing what works for you when you get to it. Love, RJ
