As the children get older, it is a blessing to begin talking things through logically; drawing out and applying the things we have been learning day by day and year by year. Recently we have been having some fun and profitable "Whiteboard Discussions" in our home.
When we have an idea we'd like the girls to think through, we'll write it on our white board and ask them for their thoughts. It's a simple concept, but it leads to some exciting and dynamic discussions.
Last week we asked how they would answer the following question: "Do we need to watch worldly movies or read worldly books to lead people to Christ?"
It's an idea we've have heard often in our Christian experience, and although we have never known anyone to come to faith because Christian people were "in the know" regarding the newest movies, sports or books, we should ultimately appeal to Scripture over experience.
But even when referencing Scripture, we don't find that that being like the world will cause people to see their need for Christ. We are to be light in darkness. We are to be holy and set apart- a peculiar people.
We don't find Christ's discussions with those around Him about the latest play or book. It was always about the heart and true worship.
It's an idea we've have heard often in our Christian experience, and although we have never known anyone to come to faith because Christian people were "in the know" regarding the newest movies, sports or books, we should ultimately appeal to Scripture over experience.
But even when referencing Scripture, we don't find that that being like the world will cause people to see their need for Christ. We are to be light in darkness. We are to be holy and set apart- a peculiar people.
We don't find Christ's discussions with those around Him about the latest play or book. It was always about the heart and true worship.
Faith was the first to pipe up:
Lydia jumped in with:
"No- we have to be like Jesus!"
Good job! And, remember since Jesus always answered, "It is Written" let's also try to think of verses to help us answer this idea!
As with previous "Whiteboard Discussions," we pull out the concordance and sometimes our Doorpost topical reference, then look up and read each verse to be sure we are getting them down correctly.
This is what we came up with:
This is what we came up with:
"Have NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,
but instead even expose them."
~Ephesians 5:11
"I want you to be wise in doing good
and simple concerning evil."
~Romans 16:19
"But put on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and make NO PROVISION for the flesh
to fulfill it's lusts."
~Romans 13:14
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.
Whatever a man sows that he will also reap."
~Galatians 6:7
and finally...
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
~Ephesians 6:11-13
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but there is a battle.
I've got to say that I am really enjoying this stage with older children and the chance to reason together. It's delightful.
Do you feel like you are swimming against the tide? I was so encouraged this week by a quote my good friend Lisa shared in this post. An excerpt:
"It may be the easiest thing to have no battles in life, to grow in some sheltered plain where the storms never blow, to meet no hardships, to have no burdens to carry; but what sort of life comes in the end from such a career?
If we would reach the heights of blessedness we must be content to pass through the fields of struggle. When armies return from victorious war, the loudest cheers are not for those who have fought the fewest battles, nor for the flags which are the cleanest, but for the regiments which are cut down to a few men, and for the colours that are shot to pieces. So it will be in heaven when the redeemed are welcomed home: those who have fought the most battles, and bear the most "marks of the Lord Jesus," will receive the highest honors. It is better, then, even for Christians themselves to stay in this world, and to grow to strength through duty and conflict."
~ J.R. Miller
Richest Blessings,

Photos: A weekend away as a family. Yosemite and Bass Lake were the planned sights, but our best times were spent as a family playing at the resort and talking to an older man named Jim and his dog Freckles. Go figure.
What a good reminder. We are to be holy and set apart- a peculiar people.
ReplyDeleteThere is a standing joke in our house that every question we don't know the answer to we say in a little kid voice we say..."Jesus?" ; -)
I really like how you encourage your children always to go back to the word to find the truth. God always speaks on these issues of the heart doesn't he.. Rebecca you have a beautiful family.
Kelly K
So funny Kelly. That's just what Lyddie said. : )
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I am really enjoying this season.
Many blessings to you!
PS- Just had a minute to look for "The Mother at Home." book online.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to pass this along. This book can be downloaded for free from the Archive website.
Rebecca, I couldn't agree more. I often scratch my head at the idea of taking on the worlds culture to "better" witness to them when most that I hear this arguement from claim to subscribe to the theology of Election. What these people are stating is that they have to get tatoos, wear nose rings, watch Harry Potter, and ride Harley's so that the ungodly will accept them so they'll better recieve the Gospel. Um, isn't that called Arminianism? You know, Free Will? Well, just like becoming like the world to preach to the world isn't in the Bible, neither is free will.
ReplyDeletePS, love the opening shot of the leaf. Excellent background blur. Did you get a new lens?
ReplyDeleteWonderful! Amen!
ReplyDeleteMay I also add:
1 Peter 1:16, 17
"for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy. Since you call on a Father who judges each man's work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear."
1 Peter 2:9-11
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us."
I love that last part about living such good lives among the pagans.
Keep up the good and faithful work sis!
Great point Sven. I am currently reading a book on evangelism and I appreciated this quote:
ReplyDelete"On the day of my conversion... I was filled with an overwhelming hunger to share God's redemptive story... unfortunately, I was committed to doing so without the accompanying direction and power of the Holy Spirit (Details, details.)
These days, I try to wake up each morning declaring, 'My life is in Your hands, God... guide me by Your Spirit.'
THE KEY IS THIS: My objective is not to contrive ways to "get someone saved;" rather, my objective is to walk where He prompts me to walk, talk when He says to talk, fall silent when I am at risk of saying too much, and stay put when He leads me to stay put."
Emphasis added.
No new lens, just a neat tree far enough away to get the blur. : )
Thanks Liz!
ReplyDeleteThose verses really minister.
I look forward to reading them to our crew here. So good to renew our minds with the Word.
Amen and Amen!
Kelly K- Thanks for the link. That's great! : )
ReplyDeleteThank you once again for your wisdom. You are very right! It's easy to get caught up with the intellectual--we must KNOW what the world knows, but that is not why we homeschool. That is not what we are called for. Your family seems, might I say, perfect.
ReplyDeleteDear Christy B.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your comment. You make an excellent point!
Equipping is one thing.
Seeing people come out of a wordly lifestyle and embracing them- no problem! We've been there.
It's when we tell ourselves that we can lead others to Christ by being like the world- "in the know" or simply indulging in the flesh and cloaking it- boy our flesh is so sneaky. That's when we need to check ourselves to be sure we are moving in spirit AND in truth.
Oh no! Please don't get the impression we are perfect or trying to look it! We (each member) live in the flesh and must learn what it means to take up our cross daily. It is a process. Many things are being put to death and many more must be in each of us.
And for anyone else reading this... I think one of our enemies main strategies is to have us believe that something somewhere else is perfect, but rest assured- there is no perfect on earth and certainly not here. : )
We're all just sinners- saved and overwhelmed by grace, seeking to bring glory to God, amen?
God bless you!
Great post Rebecca! My oldest is 9 and I don't always see alot of thought coming from her when I ask her to consider something from the Word. I keep working with the kids, but sometimes I feel like I've hit a wall. However, today we were discussing a couple of verses and I was encouraged by both girls' participation.
ReplyDeleteHave your girls always participated willingly in the Bible study or thoughtful times? Was there a point that you have seen the lights "come on" with them? What might you recommend to help direct their thoughts more to the Word and discussing it thoughtfully? I know..lots of questions;-) But you seem to have some great ideas! I wish we were close enough to get together for coffee and chat :-)
There is nothing new under the sun. We already know about sin. And so we can share Christ in humility knowing that we ourselves are sinners.
ReplyDeleteThese verses come to mind:
"Faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God."
"The law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith." Gal. 3:24
"I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.."
I had the privilege of sharing with the lost on Halloween night downtown San Jose. The law spoke to their conscience, convicting them of their sin. It was awesome to watch God work. Then I had the great opportunity to share the good news. Seeds were planted. Very exciting and humbling..
God has blessed you and is keeping you.
Dear Sommer,
ReplyDeleteI think there is a huge difference between the ages 9 and 12. Our 12 (almost 13) year old can remember verses without cues. Some of the other girls are given cues at times.
For example, right now they are memorizing Romans 12. If I say, "I beseech you therefore brethren..." they can respond with the rest of the verse. Oh! that's the answer- "we're to present our bodies a living sacrifice!" I help. :)
Sometimes I write a verse of the board and point to it, then one of the youngers can say the right answer.
Keep tying heart strings and just make sure the lack of answers isn't because her spirit is resisting you.
If it doesn't need some relational work, I would talk to her one on one. As the oldest, she will set the tone for the group, so enlist her as your helper and praise her character as she helps (hard working, diligent, good attitude- not her intelligence). Make it easy so they can have patterns of success.
"Let us not grow weary in well doing,
for in due season we shall reap if we faint not."
~Galatians 6:9
Lots of love Sommer!
Oh Cathy,
ReplyDeleteI love your perspective. What a wonderful example you have always been in my life. I remember before I came to faith seeing you worship and thinking you had something I wanted. It wasn't because you became like me... the Lord put on my heart that I wanted to become like you!
Yes, the person who isn't aware they have a disease doesn't seek for a cure. Keep preaching and giving and giving an answer for the hope that lies within you!
The Word, the Word, the Word!
Keep on sister! You really bless!
Love you!
Love this quote from your comment, Rebecca:
ReplyDelete"My objective is not to contrive ways to "get someone saved;" rather, my objective is to walk where He prompts me to walk, talk when He says to talk, fall silent when I am at risk of saying too much, and stay put when He leads me to stay put"
Thanks Rebecca! Your response is encouraging and helpful :-) Thank you for the verse as well...it is truly a blessing.
ReplyDeleteIt was great seeing you today! Sorry we couldn't have talked longer and let the kids meet. Perhaps sometime in the future it will be possible :-)
Lots of love,
Thank you Cheryl! Not my words, but I liked them too. : )
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome Sommer! Agreed- that was such a treat! You know, we're really not that far apart. We need to plan something.
Such wonderful biblical encouragement. I loved the post and the comments/responses. Keep speaking the truth in love, dear friend; the Lord is using you.
ReplyDeleteLove in Christ,
Thank you my friend.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a blessing and encouragement.
Much love,
Hi Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteI recently discovered your blog (providentially I believe). It has been a great source of edification and encouragement to me. I love the way you seek to make God's Word the foundation for living...in every area. Your gentle spirit, consistency in training your children in righteousness, and your dependence upon the Lord are evident and are a beautiful example.
Thank you for being a light in the blogging community!
Thank you so much Rachel and welcome! I am honored to be in such good company.
ReplyDeleteRebecca~We haven't moved yet and are still waiting for things to work with this house we are trying to buy. That will no doubt put us closer. I'm not sure how far you are from San Jose exactly, but it is a couple of hours I'm thinking. I'd love to plan something though...even if it has to wait until we get our new home. I think it would be awesome to get to know you even better :-) Feel free to email me!
ReplyDeleteLots of love,
That was a really AWESOME quote too! I loved it!! And as usual, an awesome blog post... very intentional, purposeful, full of blessing, wisdom, encouragement, & lessons. Thank you Rebecca. I thank God for you! ;) You are a very exemplary woman indeed! ;)
ReplyDeleteHello Rebecca,
ReplyDeleteThank you for such heart felt and encouraging words for all of us! May the Lord continue to use you for his glory and purpose:)
P.S. I am so glad I met you! Lord willing, I will see you on Sunday.