How often have you heard the term "bird brain" used to refer to someone who is not so bright or has a short attention span?
And yet Solomon makes the point in Proverbs 1:17-18 that if a bird can see someone setting a trap they will never fall for it, while men who should have far greater capacity to avoid snares, often fall into them without even seeing them.
Our family recently slipped away for the weekend to a little condo overlooking a golf course for a bit of R&R. We have been working on a big project recently (more on that soon) and we wanted to take advantage of the chance to regroup.
And yet Solomon makes the point in Proverbs 1:17-18 that if a bird can see someone setting a trap they will never fall for it, while men who should have far greater capacity to avoid snares, often fall into them without even seeing them.
"Surely in vain the net is spread
in the sight of any bird;
but they lie in wait for their own blood,
they lurk secretly for their own lives."
Our family recently slipped away for the weekend to a little condo overlooking a golf course for a bit of R&R. We have been working on a big project recently (more on that soon) and we wanted to take advantage of the chance to regroup.
One of the fun
attributes of our condo was a little squirrel village
that had been established just below our window. The girls were so intrigued that every time
we had a spare moment, they would slip outside to watch them or feed them
little bits of left over bread or popcorn.
One morning as Tom and I were sitting on the back porch, drinking our coffee and watching the little squirrels already busy from tree to tree, a large bird flew into the tree in front of us. It was so large that we actually heard it's wings before we saw it. And as it looked down on the little squirrel village we noticed that every single squirrel had vanished.
The large bird descended and began to stroll along the ground with its wings tucked behind its back, but not even one curious little head popped up to inspect their large visitor. Eventually the bird sensed the futility of his inspection and flew away to better prospects. A few minutes later our little entertainers emerged again.

It made me think of the verse:
"A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself;
the simple pass on and are punished."
Proverbs 27:12
If we were as cautious as the squirrels and the birds, we would be called prudent and wise. It does make me wonder why animals are so adept at protecting themselves from harm, but people seem to lack self preservation. It must be a defect from the fall.
"Truly no man
ever hated his own flesh;
but nourishes and
cherishes it (Eph. 5:29),
taking great care
of his physical and mental health.
However, few are
the individuals who show
an equal or greater
concern for the well-being
of their eternal souls."
Robert Jones,
Gleanings in Proverbs
"The question before the Lord is,
"If I sow this today in my child's life,
what will he reap in the years to come?""
Steve and Teri Maxwell, Keeping Our Children's Hearts
There are so many options open to us as parents and it can be very tempting to simply copy those around us, but unless we can see the future outcome of the decisions people are making around us, we may be falling into a trap. We must consider our goals and related choices with the long term consequences sharply in focus; praying for wisdom and guidance.
As we were working through our family goals again this year, this quote keeps coming to mind:
"Think long and hard about the way you
invest your children's time.
Time is treasure. And where your time
investment is, there you will find
the heart of a child.
Invest the majority of his time in entertainment,
and his heart will be turned to the love of pleasure.
Invest his time in peers, rather than family,
and his heart will be with the peers more than
his family.
There is a time for all things in good balance, but wise
parents will steward the treasure of time, and in so doing,
shepherd their children's hearts."
Douglass W. Phillips
One recommendation that the Maxwell's make is to write down your family mission statement and goals. Is this something that you do each year?
Maybe it's time to be a little "bird brained" as we navigate around the potential time and character traps that may keep us from the goals that God is leading us toward.
Rebecca you do not know me. But you are a blessing in my life. you make causes me to think and re-focus. Please, please continue to share your thoughts - if not for me, then for my two sons who hopefully benefit from some of your wisdom that I read. :) love to you from Kansas.