Friday, August 29, 2008

Behind the Scenes

Alright, you've seen the Girlhood cover and I absolutely love it. It is so precious. And the magazine, and the people behind the magazine, are truly top notch.

However, this was my very first experience photographing for a magazine. And you may be shocked to know, that while it is easy to make things look perfect when you are capturing a small area of your home on film, Newton's 3rd law (every action has an equal and opposite reaction) is being played out in the rest of the home. The tidier it appeared in the shot, the messier it got everywhere else.

Our task in this issue was to demonstrate the making of a pie- primarily the crust. While I was finishing up the shots of Faith working on the crust, the little ones asked to have some left over dough- and of course being the benevolent mother that I am always seeking to be- I said yes!

Do I hear snickering?

They were playing so sweetly and quietly. What I didn't know is they were re-enacting the photo shoot at the kitchen table. Let's just say that re-enactments take even more flour than the real thing... and flour and water make a really great paste. : ) I would have realized that if I had taken the time to think about it.

Well, I wish I would have photographed that scene for you. I didn't think to until now. Wow. There is still flour paste in the seams of the table. I'll be working on tidying that today before our sweet company comes tomorrow.

There are also photos that never make it past the proofing stage. To follow are a few of those...

The first, I like to call "The hand from down below." It's a delightful shot with Michaela adding the butter to the flour. What a happy little scene... until the hand appears. The hand from down below! What does this hand want? Why is it here?! But seriously- Lydia, why is your hand there?

Sweet little Hailey woke up during the shoot. She is wearing her famous shocked expression as usual- this time because we are baking pumpkin pie on one of the hottest days in August! Look at those cheeks! So cute- but didn't make it into the final proofs. She is in her PJ's and might not look too kindly on being in print before she had the chance to freshen up!

And then there was this- my eye was looking for spacing and lighting. How was I to notice that a ferocious little creature had replaced my sweet Lydia in the picture? Is it the red hair? What a kook!

Ahhh... that's better.

Blessings to you!


PLEASE JOIN IN THE FUN! Do you have a daughter that is 10 or older and likes to write, draw, paint or cook? Send in their work to the Girlhood Home Companion. The Girlhood is always on the look out for short stories, girl's art and favorite family recipes.


  1. You are such a hoot Rebecca! I am absolutly loving the commentary and the magazine is gorgeous! Again, you inspire me in ways I want to develope in this daughter of mine. What a mind shift after 3 boy's...

  2. You are so sweet Dana. I think you are doing a beautiful job with little S. But I know what you mean about a mind shift- well, not first hand, but I can imagine. : )

    BTW, I keep meaning to e-mail you! I'll do that now. : )


  3. So so funny. I was cracking up. I love Lydia's hand and facial expressions. :-) Hilarious.

    Next time I want the pic of the messy table with the 3 little girls who were allowed to "play" with flour. That sounds interesting.

  4. I love you Lizzy. Who else would laugh at my jokes?

    I know! What a disaster. It's taken a couple of days, but I did finally pull the table apart and clean out the paste. : )


  5. Hello - I stumbled onto your site and have been enjoying it. I am being nosy here but wondering where you are getting your daughter's dresses. I have a seven year old and am having a hard time finding modest dresses.

    Blessings to your family!

  6. Hi Nicole. Welcome!

    You're right, it's at about age 7 when it gets harder to find the modest things we like as well.

    We have found that WalMart will often carry skirts and dresses that will work for us.

    Many stores only carry the cute, classic styles around Easter time. Easter clearance is usually great at Target, Kohls or Mervyns for that size.

    This can also be a great time to pick up simple sewing skills to make little skirts or add a bit of fabric to a dress that would otherwise be too short.

    Thankfully we don't have to do a perfect job as we are learning to sew because our models are always moving! : )

    Hope that helps!


  7. What beautiful girls and beautiful pictures! I love your style of photography- so light and crisp.
    What an honor to be included in a magazine!
