How are you doing out there? Do you feel like life has become a balancing act?
In order to keep things balanced in our life, I need a schedule. Do I keep saying that? : ) Well, I am actually posting our schedule today- wohoo!
I want you to know that our schedule does not happen just as written everyday, but is a very helpful ideal that we can come back to through each day. For me, it is the way I plan to make the most of my time (Ephesians 5:15-16).
Different people implement schedules differently. Personally, I don't set an egg timer to keep it to the minute-- well, not anymore. Nor will I sacrifice a sweet mommy spirit to keep to it, but there is a value in creating a schedule even if we have to hold to it a little loosely.
I am convinced, for myself, that I achieve much more with a schedule than without- even if I never follow the schedule perfectly. It's my standard that we refer to daily and it always pulls us back on track.
I have also learned not to overbook myself.
And that makes us all happy campers.
Creating a Homeschool Schedule- Part 2
It has taken me some time to educate myself, but I am learning to convert documents into PDF files and to post them!
In Part 1 I mentioned using a Proposed Course of Study (PCS). This is where I develop the "what" I'd like to cover. It becomes the basis for my schedule.
Grade 6
Grade 4
Grade 2
Blank Proposed Course of Study Form
Please remember that life looks different in different seasons. When I had my last surgery I had all of our school books in an egg crate with a basic list taped to the front without any time slots. That can be okay too.
As an overview, this is what is working for me so far:
1. Teaching smaller chunks of valuable information. For example, if I cannot get through all the prep. work and dictate 20 words in the time allotted for Spell to Write and Read, that's okay I just cover less. We are told we learn God's word here a little and there a little, so I just pick up the next day where we left off and keep moving forward.
2. Making topics like Science, History and Social Studies read aloud material for the entire group.
3. Taking a morning prayer walk while the children do their Bible reading and prayer books. My husband works a swing shift right now, so this works in this season.
4. Having pre-printed prayer lists to include our family, leaders, missionaries and the like in our daily family prayer time.

Image "The Mulberry Bush" is from the Child's World 1st Reader. To download or read on line, just click here.
1st Photo: My sweet Faithie. She humors me. : )
We are schedule proponents here, too! Our schedule, like yours, isn't necessarity minute by minute, but it is a wonderful guideline for our days.
ReplyDeleteWe thrive on a schedle, but it's Biblical, no? The Lord has ordered the world on His schedule of days and seasons. It only follows that we, His creation, would operate best on a schedule, too. Nice post!
Oh, and congratulations on figuring out the pdf thing. You go girl!
This is SO helpful to see what other mom's are doing during the day. Thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHelpful schedules (and curriculum ideas). That Faith is so adorable isn't she?
ReplyDeleteVery well explained and I like the pdf. (Impressed you figured that all out!)
ReplyDeleteIt was helpful to hear how you think it through. Very streamlined!
Another creative,artistic picture..... of a beautiful girl!
I noticed you use "Elementary School PE" for each of your children. Could you explain a little more about this book and how you use it? I have been looking for something to guide me in something like a PE class and am wondering if this would work for me.
ReplyDeleteThank you,
Tracy in NC