Saturday, December 6, 2008

Needing Jesus

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." ~1 John 1,14

We were all seated together.

"Who needs Jesus?" I asked. And I raised my hand.

I looked and saw other little hands thrusting themselves into the air after mine.

"We all need Jesus, don't we? None of us can be righteous by our own merits." Just the day before we had read that if we could be saved by doing the law, then Christ died in vain. We all need Jesus.

"Let's read the Word."

And we read. And His Word is alive and active.

And it is good. Just the Word opened and expounded.

It is good to see Mama and Daddy humbled before it. It is good to see us excited about grace and unearned forgiveness in Jesus.

It is good for children to know that their parents need Jesus. And it is good when they know that they need Jesus too.

It is life.

Do you need Jesus today?

May God richly bless you as you lead little hearts home.



  1. Rebecca, thankyou. Such a good reminder, and such a beautiful picture you painted.
    And I just adore your photographs! :) This one is stunning.

  2. I want to say a big "Thankyou" Rebecca. I read your blog regularly and your posts encourage me so much. We have been through many difficult trials this year (many beyond our control) and as the year is beginning to draw to a close, your posts have helped me to focus on a new year that will see major changes in our family life. As far as needing hand is raised so high! I was totally blessed yesterday to hear my just-turned-5-year-old pray, "God, please help me". Grace to you and yours.


  3. I was delighted to find your comment on my blog this morning Rebecca! Yes, how wonderful to find a kindred spirit across the waters of the world. :) Thankyou for your kind words, and I look forward to reading your post when it's ready to be written.

  4. *smile*

    Thank you ladies. Amanda, you are so welcome. I am sorry to hear that your family has been through difficult trial this year.

    I would love to hear back from you as the new year progresses for your family.

    And I am glad you enjoyed my "visit" Saminda! You have a wonderful blog over there!

    Prayers for you both!
