Friday, January 16, 2009

The Roles of Girls and Boys

I have been giving some thought to the roles of boys and girls. Do these things come naturally, our do we need to guide our children into paths of "feminine" and "masculine" ideals?

A friend of mine has written a response that is a great jumping off spot to begin this discussion.


I would like to give a brief introduction to my friend who will be sharing today. She is a sweet Christian wife and mother. She has gone before many of us in the grace of Christ Jesus investing decades guiding and homeschooling eight beautiful children. During this time, she has navigated through many Christian homeschool fads, which makes her counsel all the more dear.

Whenever I have gone to this friend for advice she never fails to point me to Jesus. Somehow the dust settles and things become clear again. Do you have that type of Titus 2 lady in your life? I am blessed to know her.

So, without further adieu, let's look to Jesus.


"Hmmm...a big subject...but thinking this over, I think I might answer in four parts...

First of all, as women, it starts in our hearts. Are we seeking to become like Jesus? Are our hearts ever growing more tender to the Holy Spirit as He seeks to mold us into the image of Christ?

Do we love the Lord so much that we are willing to let go of all He shows us that is dishonoring to His our attitude, action, words, dress? Are we cultivating a quiet heart by being daily in the presence of the Lord and sitting at His feet in worship. Are we on our faces before Him asking Him to change those areas were we struggle? All of us have grown up with such a horribly tainted idea of what it is to be a woman...are we letting Him cleanse our thoughts of all the world's ideas of what it means to be feminine and letting Him renew our minds in His ways?

Then, are we modeling what we are learning to our girls and boys? Are we putting on gentleness, kindness, patience...the fruit of the Spirit? Are we seeking to be modest in dress and behavior? Are we joyful wives happily embracing motherhood? Are we cultivating a reverent, respectful attitude towards our husbands so that our sons and daughters look up to them with respect and honor?


Are we guarding our sons and daughters from the influences of our godless, sensual, modern culture that is doing all it can to destroy God's idea of womanhood AS we pray continually for them? We MUST be very careful about what we allow into our homes to influence them...what friends and peers we let sway them...what toys, books, videos, music, etc. we allow to shape them, but we must also be careful to not trust in that alone.


And finally, we MUST be praying daily for them, for without prayer and dependence upon the Lord to work in their hearts, we labor in vain."

I don't know about you, but I have read these words more than once. I love being challenged in these areas.

Personally, I do believe that we need to guide our children into a proper Biblical framework so they are equipped to embrace and live out God's design for their male and female roles. It is my hope that we will talk about this again in the coming weeks.

However, as we seek to guide these tender hearts, are we looking at our heart? Are we honoring our husbands, speaking in tenderness and so on? If not, are we willing to repent of these things (confess them and turn from our sin)?

Are we guarding our children from the stumbling blocks of worldly books, movies and poor friends or, by our silence, are we actually co-signing the world's ideas?

Are we in prayer day by day, moment by moment? Are we asking God for wisdom?

Some wonderful topics to ponder.

Thank you my friend for sharing your heart with us!

May God bless you as you lead little hearts home!



  1. Wow! Great thoughts..I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to link to this.

    Certainly things to ponder and apply.

    Lots of love,

  2. I'd love that Sommer. Thank you. : )

  3. My dear lady,

    I was lead to your blog via a link from Sommer's. What beautiful sentiments your friend shared; I agree whole heartedly. What a lovely spirit you have; I can tell by your writings. And, not least of all, what a beautiful family you have. The Lord so loves to see those like you who are willing to live for him. How refreshing, it must be, in this horribly stained world, for him to look down on those such as you.

    Blessings to you.

  4. Hello Zebu and welcome!

    Thank you so much for your kind comments. What an encouragement you are. : )

    My greatest joy is that when God looks down He doesn't see me at all... just Jesus.

    "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." ~Psalm 32:1

    Blessings to you!

  5. Fantastic Rebecca, a great start- thankyou!! So looking forward to following along with and sharing in this topic. :)
    Happy new year, too!

  6. I'm not exactly sure which link brought me here (blog hopping), but I truly love your blog. I have 8 sons and only 1 little girl, your blog is surely an inspiration as I mother this little girl in the midst of all her protectors! This post has been the sort of thing that has been on my heart lately and I do appreciate the meditation!
    Your family is just beautiful by the way!

  7. Hi Saminda! Glad you caught this one. You always bless. : )

    Welcome Kathryn! Thank you. It's great to meet you! Eight boys and one girl~ wow, what a blessing! Please drop by anytime. : )

