"Let it be remembered, that I do not speak to the wild, giddy, thoughtless world, but to those that fear God. I ask, then, for what end do you send you children to school?“Why, that they may be fit to live in the world.”In which world do you mean~ this or the next?
Perhaps you thought of this world only; and had forgot that there is a world to come; yea, and one that will last for ever!
Pray take this into your account, and send them to such masters as will keep it always before their eyes. Otherwise, to send them to school (permit me to speak plainly) is little better than sending them to the devil."-John Wesley sermon entitled “On Family Religion”
Dear Lord, as we begin a new school year, please give us the grace to remember for what end we educate our children.
Please remind our hearts to enjoy the journey~ challenges and all.
Please teach us how to keep the hearts and the trust of these precious souls. To put to death our own pride and impatience for Your glory. For You teach us that the wrath of man will never produce the righteousness of God.
Please teach us to use our time wisely. To recognize and put aside anything that would keep us from giving our hearts wholly to the task of leading these little hearts Home to You.
In Jesus Name and for His glory.

Photo: School room shelves built by Tom for my birthday. Stocked with all manner of books that came from closets all over the house. Bins purchased at Lowes for just $1 because they didn't have lids. Perfect for Duplos and train track and stuffed toys.
Lovely photo and wonderful quote! Are you reading the book it came from? See you soon!
Ahh... organizational bliss. :) How lovely! And more importantly, thank you for the reminder to keep Jesus, our present and future hope, in mind each day.
ReplyDeleteI love your schoolroom! Blessings!
ReplyDeleteIt is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteBeing rather new to homeschooling I am now switching my homeschool focus. Ten months ago I was all about the academics when we switched to homescooling. Now, that is so different it is hard to imagine, but most days I still struggle and I have to remind myself that it is not about the academics. Thanks for the beautiful post! Also, I am so jealousof your bargain bins! ;) ... Actually, I have been too overly blessed with bargains and freebies to be jealous and I am really thrilled for you! The room looks fabulous and I need to get all my boks in one place, too!
ReplyDeleteAmen and AMEN!
ReplyDeleteLove your school room, BTW!
Beautiful bookshelves! Great post!
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa! Was reading the sermon on line. Wonderful. Looking forward to seeing you too very soon!
ReplyDeleteHi Catherine. Amen. It's all for Him. The "all in one place" is helpful or somehow we just lose things.
Hi Christine and Schwarkmom! Thanks! Our schoolroom has funny angles, almost reminds me of a tree house. It's a bonus room above the garage, so although it is a little warm right now, it will be cozy soon. : )
Hi Shannon! I can relate. A personal observation~ it seems that even in cases where academics begin slowly, the strong character and love for learning propel homeschoolers far beyond what they would do otherwise. Keep truckin' sister! It's a Kingdom work! : )
Hi Rebecca and Too Many Kids in the Bathtub! Thanks. You are so kind.
Have a great day!
I love the sunny walls, the books all lined up - what an invitation to little readers! - and all those wonderful resources in the blue bins. Well done Rebecca, it is truly beautiful and your girls are blessed!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post and timely reminder for those of homeschooling and starting a new "year". I love those shelves!